Thursday, July 18, 2019

Professional Solutions for Flood Risk Evaluations and Sulphate Attack Investigations

Whether you need to investigate a sulphate attack or perform a Flood Risk Assessment, the services of a civil engineering and structural engineering firm are invaluable.

Assistance from Qualified Professionals

With the help of a flood risk team, you can check if your planned development project is within a flood zone and whether you need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment with your planning application. Flood risk assessments contain in-depth information about previous flood events in the area and identify the potential risks from various sources such as rainfall, rivers and sea. Once you give site development plans to a civil engineering and structural engineering firm, they will assess the exact requirements of your local planning authority and applicable governing body. Based on the requirements, they will advise on design aspects to mitigate flood risk so that you are in a stronger position to get your plan approved.

Thorough Investigations and Remedial Solutions

Sulphate attack is widely recognised as being the culprit behind concrete deterioration in different types of structures. A sulphate attack can cause serious damage to concrete, weakening the entire structure and compromising its safety. Crumbling concrete, cracks on concrete floor slabs, stress fractures and discolouration are all signs of potential sulphate attack.  It’s best to seek expert advice if you suspect a sulphate attack. A thorough investigation requires several different inputs such as the opinion of a qualified structural engineer, findings of site investigation and results of laboratory tests. For investigations, concrete samples are analysed to determine chloride, cement and sulphate content. Along with diagnosing a sulphate attack, a civil engineering team can also offer remedial solutions to repair the damaged structure.

When you need solutions for sensitive aspects of construction projects, don’t put your faith in non-professionals. Partner a reputed firm having a multi-disciplinary team of structural engineers, civil engineers and engineers belonging to allied disciplines.