Thursday, September 29, 2022

Importance Of Site Investigations

Site investigations are necessary before construction begins during the pre-planning phase. During this time, they collect information about the site, assess it, and report it to the concerned authorities. A principal designer plays a vital role in the assessment. The collected information helps them to generate a report regarding the topography, physical ground conditions, and soil and rock properties. They are also able to assess if there are any hazards present at the site. There are different stages in site investigations, such as reconnaissance, in-depth site investigation, data and map study, and, finally, laboratory testing. This investigation is an essential part of any construction project as it helps them to create a design that is structurally strong and durable.


Comprehensive and Accurate

Site investigations are required for every project. If another construction is going to happen at the same site, the earlier investigation can be used as a reference, and a fresh investigation has to be undertaken. Non-destructive testing methods are used, such as drilling, boring, taking samples, and testing to determine the properties of the surface and sub-surface materials. It is important that these investigations are comprehensive and accurate as they will determine the safety and longevity of the project that is being planned. Failure to do a good geotechnical investigation can result in foundation failure.

Functions of a Principal Designer

A principal designer is required for a construction project that involves more than one contractor. He has to manage all the aspects of the project, including the health and safety of all the employees. He is the link between the contractors and designers and is responsible for bringing together all the information obtained pre-construction. He is usually appointed early during the design phase and, if not definitely, during the early construction phase.

Qualifications Required

The principal designer must be technically qualified. He must have good knowledge of health and safety skills as well as sufficient experience. The experience should be in proportion to the complexity of the project. He also must have organisational abilities as he is the link between all the different segments of the project. During the design process, he ensures that all potential risks are taken into consideration.